Thursday, July 25, 2019

My experience making my blog

Resultado de imagen para escribir blogThe experience was great, i totally recomend it to the people, writing about what i feel, about my tastes, about what i think about thing makes me realize that before doing this i had never stop myself to really think what i feel about some topics, it was just an automatic process, but now i take my time to reflect better the stuffs.

Also, im sure that this activity make me increase my skill writing in english... at the beginnig i used the dictionary to search lot of word to can write a phrase, but now i have better vocabulary, and i understand better english texts, definitely it helps a lot.

In the future i will like to start reading books in english to get even better vocabulary, im sure it will help, also watch movies in english, it is a funny way to improve the pronunciation, finally i will like to talk in english with peolple to improve my fluency talking.

The topic i will love to write more is about dance, one of my favorites activities in the world, also i will like to write about animals, i love them and is a topic very interesting for me.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Our Amazing Human body

My favorite organ of the human body

Some of my favorite activities are watching movies, read books and make manual arts, activities in  that the vision play a role very important, and also everything is easier looking what you are doing, so the sense i like the most of the human body is the vision.

¿how the vision work?
The eyes have some other organs inside it that have the function of interpret the environment around it, specifically ligth rays.

Size of the eye
The human eye has a size of 23.5mm x 23mm x 24mm

Diseases that damage the eyes

-Cataracts eyes
Resultado de imagen para la vision-Retinal detachment
-Diabetic Retinopathy
-Dry eye

Cares of the eyes

-Eat food rich in vitamin A
-Care of too much ligth
-Use sun glasses
-Have good eye rest

Thursday, July 11, 2019

            The most enjoyable subject....

Resultado de imagen para quimica organica
 I've been a year and a half in the university and for the time being my favorite subject is organic chemistry. In this class we learn or trying to learn how synthesize  some molecules for different methods, structures and bonds of organic molecules, substitution and elimination reactions, the properties of some chemical compounds, the mechanisms of  some reactions and the stereochemistry of organic molecules. It's a difficult subject, it require a lot of time and memory, in fact, i didn't have the best marks in the exams, there are difficult but however it's enjoyable and it's great when an exercise turns out well, allows you to understand a lot of things.  I like to learn everything, how a molecule reacts with another and the mechanisms of reactions, it's interesting for me. These class are theoretical but these help understand a lot of reaction in the other subject  which is named "organic chemistry laboratory". In the lab we can practice a lot of reactions and is more easier to learn and memorize many things when we do the things. These subjects complements each other in fact the teachers and teaching assistant in the lab clarify all my doubts.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

                                                                 Marie Curie

Maria Salomea SkÅ‚odowska-Curien, popularly known as Marie Curie, was born at 7 of november in 1887, in Warsaw. She was a Polish chemistry and physics (French nationalized). In 1894 she met Pierre Curie, his husband, he was a professor of physics and together they made important discoveries in the field of radioactivity. The principal things that she did was discover two new radioactive chemical elements, polonium and radium, and investigated the use of radioactivity for medicinal purposes. Also she was the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes (Physics (1903) and Chemistry (1910))She died at 66 years of age in her native country, Poland; because she had a disease derived from the high radiation to which much of her life was exposed. I admire her because she was forced to study in  hidings for the simple fact of being a woman, however she decided to move to Paris and studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Paris no matter the difficulties, also she was the first woman to teach in the university  in the more than 600 years of the institution

Postgraduate studies To begin with i decided to study chemistry and pharmacy when i was in high school, because chemistry was my fa...