Thursday, July 25, 2019

My experience making my blog

Resultado de imagen para escribir blogThe experience was great, i totally recomend it to the people, writing about what i feel, about my tastes, about what i think about thing makes me realize that before doing this i had never stop myself to really think what i feel about some topics, it was just an automatic process, but now i take my time to reflect better the stuffs.

Also, im sure that this activity make me increase my skill writing in english... at the beginnig i used the dictionary to search lot of word to can write a phrase, but now i have better vocabulary, and i understand better english texts, definitely it helps a lot.

In the future i will like to start reading books in english to get even better vocabulary, im sure it will help, also watch movies in english, it is a funny way to improve the pronunciation, finally i will like to talk in english with peolple to improve my fluency talking.

The topic i will love to write more is about dance, one of my favorites activities in the world, also i will like to write about animals, i love them and is a topic very interesting for me.


  1. A book in English must be very difficult but you would gain great learning!

  2. I agree, it is very fun to write and gradually improve in English

  3. write about animals, please, they are very adorable

  4. These blogs also helped improve my writing!

  5. Dance, wow, what kind of dance do you like ?


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