Saturday, October 12, 2019

My future job.
Resultado de imagen para industria cosmetica
My dream work is work for the cosmetic industry, that's why i started studyng chemistry and pharmacy, i´ll like to go abroad to improve my knowledge about it and then come back to Chile and find a job on a cosmetic company. I´ll like to do some research and make cosmetics completely cruelty free because i love animals.
Also i will like to work as pharmacist in a hospital for a few years, i have studyng chemistry and pharmacy for two years and the work that i can do in a hospital sounds great and fun too, so i will like to work in a hospital a few years at the begining of my career , to get experience and enough money to make my dream of go studyng abroad and become a cosmetic expert come true.
If you ask me about the salary, i don't really expect to make millions working many hours as posible, i preffer to make just  enough money to have a relax life and to live quiet working just the necesary hours.
Another dream that i will like to come true is to have enough money to have my own pharmacy here in Chile when i get older and live of it the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Postgraduate studies To begin with i decided to study chemistry and pharmacy when i was in high school, because chemistry was my fa...