Friday, October 18, 2019

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Postgraduate studies

To begin with i decided to study chemistry and pharmacy when i was in high school, because chemistry was my favourite subject, i enjoyed a lot learning it and the teacher always did fun classes... that's why i started looking for careers related to chemistry and my favourite was cosmetic chemistry... So i decided to study chemistry and pharmacy because it is necessary if you want to work in the cosmetic sector. 
I have planned to study a cosmetic post-grade when i finish my current career, i already look where i have to study it and i want to go abroad, specifically i want to go to spain, there are a lot of universities that have great programs of cosmetic research, so i hope to be able to go there to learn all i can about it so then i can come back to Chile and find finally my dream job.
My work will be do research to develop new ways to care the people skin, physiology, pathology and immunology and also try to made it in the more efficient manner for the purpose of made cosmetics cheaper for the people.
Obviously it is possible that i change my plans as time goes by, because that was my first plan, but at the moment i had studied a lot of subjects that i also like a lot, for example organic chemistry, i like a lot that subject and it is a lot different of cosmetic chemistry...
So i will wait to finish my career to finally decide the field that i will work in.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My future job.
Resultado de imagen para industria cosmetica
My dream work is work for the cosmetic industry, that's why i started studyng chemistry and pharmacy, i´ll like to go abroad to improve my knowledge about it and then come back to Chile and find a job on a cosmetic company. I´ll like to do some research and make cosmetics completely cruelty free because i love animals.
Also i will like to work as pharmacist in a hospital for a few years, i have studyng chemistry and pharmacy for two years and the work that i can do in a hospital sounds great and fun too, so i will like to work in a hospital a few years at the begining of my career , to get experience and enough money to make my dream of go studyng abroad and become a cosmetic expert come true.
If you ask me about the salary, i don't really expect to make millions working many hours as posible, i preffer to make just  enough money to have a relax life and to live quiet working just the necesary hours.
Another dream that i will like to come true is to have enough money to have my own pharmacy here in Chile when i get older and live of it the rest of my life.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Resultado de imagen para friends serie reseña
Some time ago, i asked a friend for some series to recommend me and, she told me: " you must watch "Friends", it is very good, i love it, you have to gave it a chance" so i started watching the series "Friend" created and produced by Marta Kauffman and David Crane. It was first broadcast on September 22, 1994 and ended on May 6, 2004 therefore it's a long series. But netflix have the complete series and i've been watching from there. This series is about the life of a group of friends: Chandler Bing (Mathew Perry), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), Monica Geller (Courtney Cox), Ross Geller (David Schwimmer), Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston) and Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc). The series show how they face the life, because they are so different and have very different lifes but however, they are very close and together they live good, bad, sad and very funny moments. The plot of the series is about romanticism, comedy, popular topics and a little of drama. My favorite character is Joey, he does a lot of stupid things and i laugh to cries. I like this series because i've never felt bored watching a chapter, by contrast i always laugh with all jokes that they do. At the moment i'm going in season 7 and I don't want to end it , so I try to see it with less constancy.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

My turtle, Brandy

when i was 7 years old i went to the zoo with my family, i was very happy because it was my first time visiting the zoo, there we walked all the morning around the park and i knew a lot of amazing animals. When we went out, i saw some cute small lake turtles inside a great aquarius and i fall in love with them. My mom saw me watching them and bought one little turtle like a gift to me. i called it brandy because when i was a child i watched a disney series called "brandy and mrs whiskers" and i liked a dog that her name was brandy. At the beginning it was very shy so i couldn't play with it, but a few time later it started to be more sociable and when washed it , it enjoyed the high pressure water on there back...
With the time it started growing up very fast so i had to buy a great aquarius, it become happy because there was more space to play in. When it was 13 years old it get eye problems because of the water scale so it get blind, a few months later it die. It was hard and sad to me, but with time i understand that it was better that way because she was in pain. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Resultado de imagen para bruno mars
My favourite concert
It was in the last summer, my mother and i, we went to Bruno Mars concert, it was my favourite concert, because i am a Bruno Mars fan since i listen to his song named "talking to the moon", at that moment i was just 10 years old. 
Bruno is pop music singer born in hawaii, he started his career when he was just a kid, at the beginning he did Elvis Presley imitations for small shows until he appear on a tv show for the first time, a few years after that he wrote and sang his own songs.
The concert that i went of Bruno was in the estadio nacional in Santiago, i was very happy to went there, it was very exciting, the music was very loud and the place was full of people i have a lot of fun that day!
I also remember that at the end of the day i was very tired and i just wanted to arrive to my house to have some rest, but when i arrive to my house i remember that i though that it all was worth it... it was one of the best days of my life.

Friday, September 6, 2019

 My dream is to travel around the world, but definitely the country that i would like to visit the first is Bora Bora, This is the largest island of French Polynesia. It has some beautiful landscapes, a lot of vegetation that makes it an amazing and wonderful place to visit...
Bora Bora ISS006.jpg
Once there i would like to stay in a bungalow placed in the sea, i had watched videos of people that had been there and they show you the bungalows inside and they are beautiful. I love that they have a kind of window but in the floor that you can see the sea just looking the floor. Another thing that i love is that it has a terrace with a stair from the bungalow to the sea.
Bora Bora is a beautiful place that i would love to visit, but only for vacation, because i preffer to live in a big city, like in New York, London or Berlin.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

My experience making my blog

Resultado de imagen para escribir blogThe experience was great, i totally recomend it to the people, writing about what i feel, about my tastes, about what i think about thing makes me realize that before doing this i had never stop myself to really think what i feel about some topics, it was just an automatic process, but now i take my time to reflect better the stuffs.

Also, im sure that this activity make me increase my skill writing in english... at the beginnig i used the dictionary to search lot of word to can write a phrase, but now i have better vocabulary, and i understand better english texts, definitely it helps a lot.

In the future i will like to start reading books in english to get even better vocabulary, im sure it will help, also watch movies in english, it is a funny way to improve the pronunciation, finally i will like to talk in english with peolple to improve my fluency talking.

The topic i will love to write more is about dance, one of my favorites activities in the world, also i will like to write about animals, i love them and is a topic very interesting for me.

Postgraduate studies To begin with i decided to study chemistry and pharmacy when i was in high school, because chemistry was my fa...